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Vision of Peace
In March 1996, THOT is living a waking dream for 9 nights.
He is transported in the future of humankind, a World of Peace, a Golden Age.
I am in the sky,
flying above the mountains, when I suddenly see an eye, magnificent in the midst of snow covered mountains.
I plunged towards this eye that turns out to be a perfectly designed building.
I stop at the foot of the edifice whose front appears like an eye.
This reminds me of the Buddha, the meditative eye of the Buddha symbolising Sight,
seeing beyond the world of the senses.
This eye radiates Peace.
The building is majestic, perhaps made of glass and new materials
I am in the midst of high mountains. All is divinely beautiful, divinely real.
I realise that this site was chosen for the intensity of energy found here.
An impressive silence reigns over the place.
Whoever comes here immediately fells transported and feels his breath altered.
I advance under a very high vaulted porch, the eyelid of the horizontal Eye, and arrive under an immense dome.
An observatory is situated at the top, where, from the sky, I had seen the pupil of the Eye.
The pictures received by the astronomical telescope are projected on an immense crystal lens that serves like a screen, drawing us to a more refined consciousness of our planet and of our place in the universe,
inspiring humility and wisdom in us.
I am in the International Centre of Awakening to the Planetary Consciousness.
I feel the magical purity of the place.
This eye is the Eye of the planet, by which Unified Humanity sees.
Before me a gigantic amphitheatre capable of accommodating thousands of people and right at the bottom a modest stand. This immense hall is very bright.
I know that a succession of prestigious speakers appear on this dais and that, seated on the stepped benches,
men and women from all over the world receive their transmissions.
These speakers are Masters of wisdom, totally inspired and devoted, perfectly aligned and realised beings.
Beings of Peace.
I see a council of the wise who take decisions, men and women called to guide humanity towards a new world,
each speaker having a global consciousness and worldwide audience.
I see that each one comes here to learn and to share.
Everything contributes to the blooming of the consciousness of our true being.
Outside, all around the building, there are large circles, landing sites for large,
perfectly silent dragonflies carrying passengers from all over the world.
All education centres of the world receive pictures of the lectures.
The words impartedd are studied year-round and become a source of meditation.
In the future, each country will also have an Eye, a more modest building, allowing more people to be welcomed
All the old ordnance factories will be converted to manufacturing sites of new intervention units
to deal with natural disasters.
Armies will be transformed into humanitarian organisations.
New technologies that change the lives of the people will be developed.
I realise that the decisions that have brought about these changes were taken initially in Europe.
In its constructive impetus, Europe decides in favour of radical changes and a totally new orientation.
Unified Europe agreed to a global plan for a permanent Peace.
Europe unites its ministeries of culture and education and sanctions a very big budget,
giving the impetus for the changes which would quickly follow in many countries and would become worldwide.
It is perhaps due to ecological movement, in love with Earth, that the general awareness takes place.
Each one is trained to transcend the idea of nation, of belonging to a group or an ideology
and to think of the world as a whole, actively conscious of world citizenship,
of his role and responsibility in the survival of the biosphere of
which he is as much a part as plants and animals.
A new Era, a new civilisation is born.